Revolutionizing how production companies staff crew.communicate.stay organized.find talent.diversify time.track inclusion.hire locals.check avails.get references.manage crew.

ShoBizzy helps production companies save significant time and money by streamlining all of the tedious processes involved in staffing, finding locals, communicating, tracking inclusion and much more.

Production crew org chart to organize production team

Welcome to your new favorite software.

Return on Investment

Below is an example ROI of a TV show with 50 crew that shot in New Mexico for 30 days.


Reduced Time Spent Staffing Savings


Travel, Hotel, and Per Diem Savings*


Additional State Tax Credit Savings*

*Assumes ShoBizzy helped find 12 out of the 50 crew to be New Mexico locals.

AI powered production candidate recommendations

Automated Staffing

No more emails, texts, calls, social media posts, asking for referrals, or sifting through resumes. Let us instantly show you who among your favorite crew and beyond are available for each role.

ShoBizzy uses a one-of-a-kind, patent pending, smart algorithm to recommend the best available talent for every position based on dozens of criteria including connections, production type, similar credits, mutual contacts, location, and so on. The result is a streamlined process that curates perfect candidates for every role in minutes instead of weeks.

Production Dashboard

Your very own production dashboard provides you and your team a beautiful interface with instant visibility into key metrics across all your productions from development to post. Track staffing progress, inclusion initiatives, and local hires, while you stay organized, easily communicate with crews, and maintain internal reviews all in one place. 

With our production dashboard, you'll have the power to make informed decisions, streamline your workflow, and ultimately elevate the success of your productions. Sign up now and take your productions to the next level!

Production organization on a production dashboard

Production communication and production messaging

Communication Hub

Stay connected with your crew like never before with our production messaging feature. We automatically create channels for every department and allow admins to share messages and important documents with the entire crew. Whether you want to DM a crew member, connect with your department, or keep execs up to date, your production communication has never been more organized.

We know how critical communication is and the current methods just don’t cut it. Streamlining the communication among crew members in one simple platform helps ensure that all your productions run smoothly.

Robust Talent Search

Instantly find new and diverse talent from across the globe with our high-powered and sophisticated search filters. The more granular you get, the more perfect the fit will be. 

We know crew changes happen, and you’ll be armed with the tools you need to find replacements in a heartbeat. Someone goes down with Covid, we've got you. An editor falls out last minute, not a problem. Need to find locals to save critical funds, search away.

Production crew and production vendor search directory

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